Welcome to
wdt_ID | Name | Location | Phone |
907 | Accountants Capital Corp. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27rd Floor | Suite 2700 | |
908 | Aecon Group Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 13th Floor | Suite 1330 | |
909 | Aird & Berlis LLP | Bay Wellington Tower | 18th Floor | Suite 1800 | |
910 | Alamos Gold Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 39th Floor | Suite 3910 | |
911 | Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2700 | |
912 | Alliancebernstein Canada Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2700 | |
913 | Alpha Group Canada | Bay Wellington Tower | 42nd Floor | Suite 4210 | |
914 | Alphi Capital | TD Canada Trust Tower | 41st Floor | Suite 4120 | |
915 | Anson Advisors Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 42nd Floor | Suite 4200 | |
916 | Antofagasta Minerals Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 43rd Floor | Suite 4320 | |
917 | Applied Systems Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 41st Floor | Suite 4130 | |
918 | Australia-Canada Economic Leadership Forum | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2700 | |
919 | Avis and Bugdet | Concourse level | tel:416-777-2847 |
920 | Bagel Stop | Concourse level | tel:416-955-9095 |
921 | Baker & Mckenzie | Bay Wellington Tower | 21th Floor | Suite 2100 | |
922 | Bank Of America Merrill Lynch | Bay Wellington Tower | 4th & 5th Floor | Suites 400 & 500 | tel:416-369-7400 |
923 | Barometer Capital Management Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32nd Floor | Suite 3220 | |
924 | Barrick Gold Corporation | TD Canada Trust Tower | 37th Floor | tel:416-861-9911 |
925 | Beaujolais Private Investment Management | Bay Wellington Tower | 45th Floor | Suite 4510 | |
926 | Beigene Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 24th Floor | Suite 2400 | |
927 | BHP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 40th Floor | Suite 4020 | |
928 | Blackrock | TD Canada Trust Tower | 25th Floor | Suite 2500 | |
929 | Bloom Burton Securities Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 34th Floor |Suite 3410 | |
930 | Bloomberg LP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 43th Floor | Suite 4300 | tel:416-203-5700 |
931 | Bloomberg Tradebook Canada Company | TD Canada Trust Tower | 43th Floor | Suite 4300 | tel:416-203-5765 |
932 | Blowdry Lounge | Bay Wellington Tower | Concourse level | |
933 | Body Bar | Concourse level | Unit #C10-A | tel:416-798-7191 |
934 | Brauti Thorning LLP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 29th Floor | Suite 2900 | |
935 | Brompton Group | Bay Wellington Tower | 29th Floor | Suite 2930 | |
936 | Brookfield Asset Management | Bay Wellington Tower | 3rd Floor | Suite 300 | |
937 | Brookfield Place Management Office | Bay Wellington Tower | 7th Floor | Suite 700 | tel:416-777-6480 |
938 | Brookfield Properties | Bay Wellington Tower | 7th Floor | Suite 700 | tel:416-369-2300 |
939 | Brookfield Technology Services | Bay Wellington Tower | 1st Floor | Suite 100 | |
940 | Burger King | Concourse level | |
941 | Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 45th Floor | Suite 4510 | |
942 | Canadian Council On Africa | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
943 | Capital Group | Bay Wellington Tower | 31st Floor | Suite 3100 | |
944 | Capital International Asset Management | Bay Wellington Tower | 31st Floor | Suite 3100 | |
945 | Carbon60 Operating Co. Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 8th Floor | Suite 810 | |
946 | China Construction Bank - Toronto Branch | Bay Wellington Tower | 36th Floor | Suite 3650 | tel:647-777-7700 |
947 | Chisholm Partners International | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
948 | Chotto Matte | Street Level | |
949 | CIBC | TD Canada Trust Tower | 10th floor | |
950 | CIBC Asset Managemetn Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 22nd & 23rd Floor | Suites 2230 & 2320 | |
951 | CIBC Capital Management | TD Canada Trust Tower | 10th Floor | |
952 | CIBC Corporate Credit Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 23rd Floor | Suite 2330 | |
953 | CIBC Private Wealth Management | Bay Wellington Tower | 6th Floor | Suite 600 | |
954 | CIBC Wholesale Banking & Treasury Shared Services | TD Canada Trust Tower | 39th Floor | Suite 3920 | |
955 | CIBC Wood Gundy | Bay Wellington Tower | 6th Floor | Suite 600 | |
956 | CIBC World Markets | TD Canada Trust Tower | 10th floor | |
957 | Clean Car | Bay Wellington Tower | Parking level | P4 Parking | tel:416-364-0095 |
958 | Cleveland Clinic Canada | Bay Wellington Tower | 30th Floor | Suite 3000 | |
959 | Coast Capital | Bay Wellington Tower | 36th Floor | Suite 3610 | |
960 | Colaba | Concourse level | Unit C180 | |
961 | Colliers International | Bay Wellington Tower | 14th Floor | Suite 1400 | |
962 | Conundrum Capital Corporation | TD Canada Trust Tower | 21st Floor | Suite 2100 | |
963 | Converge Technology Partners | TD Canada Trust Tower | 23rd Floor | Suite 2325 | |
964 | Costar Group | Bay Wellington Tower | 34th Floor | Suite 3420 | |
965 | Cowie Capital Partners | TD Canada Trust Tower | 39th Floor | Suite 3930 | |
966 | Cube Realty Advisors Amg | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
967 | Cushman & Wakefield Structured Finance ULC | TD Canada Trust Tower | 15th Floor | Suite 1500 | |
968 | Cushman & Wakefield ULC | TD Canada Trust Tower | 15th Floor | |
969 | Dave's Hot Chicken | Concourse level | Unit C350 | |
970 | Dentalcorp | Bay Wellington Tower | 26th Floor | Suite 2600 | |
971 | Design Works Engineering Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 10th Floor | Suite 1020 | |
972 | Diamond Exchange Toronto Search | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
973 | Dorsey Whitney LLP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 43rd Floor | Suite 4310 | |
974 | Downsview Metro Devco Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 13th Floor | Suite 1305 | |
975 | Echelon Wealth Holdings Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 25th Floor | Suite 2500 | |
976 | Eclipsys Solutions Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 23rd Floor | Suite 2330 | |
977 | Egon Zehnder | Bay Wellington Tower | 39th Floor | Suite 3920 | |
978 | Element Fleet Management Corp. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 36th Floor | |
979 | Emerald Technology Ventures | TD Canada Trust Tower | 13th Floor | Suite 1320 | |
980 | Enterprise Rent-A-Car | Concourse level | |
981 | Evercore | Bay Wellington Tower | 36th Floor | Suite 3630 | |
982 | Extract Advisors (Canada) Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | Suite C300 | |
983 | Farm Credit Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 44th Floor | Suite 4440 | |
984 | Federal Dynamics Company | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
985 | Forum Asset Management | Bay Wellington Tower| Concourse level |Units IN100 & C300 | |
986 | Forest Hill Farmhouse | Concourse level | Unit C350 | |
987 | Fovere Holding Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 14th Floor | Suite 1410 | |
988 | Gateway Newstands | Street Level | tel:416-363-2242 |
989 | Greenhouse Juice Co. | Food Court | |
990 | Halmont Properties Corporation | Bay Wellington Tower | Suite IN200 | |
991 | Harmonic Fund Services Canada Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 21st Floor | Suite 2110 | |
992 | Haywood Securities Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 29th Floor | Suite 2910 | tel:416-507-2300 |
993 | Hertz | Concourse level | |
994 | Hillcore Financial | TD Canada Trust Tower | 24th Floor | Suite 2430 | |
995 | Hockey Hall Of Fame | Concourse level | tel:416-360-7735 |
996 | Hogenhout & Associates | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
997 | Huron Advisors Canada Ltd. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2700 | |
998 | Ibis International Business | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
999 | Impact Kitchen Bay Inc. | Street Level | |
1000 | International House Of Music | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1001 | Jimmy The Greek | Food Court | |
1002 | Jo's Shoe Repair | Bay Wellington Tower | Concourse level | tel:416-869-1475 |
1003 | Ki Modern Japanese + Bar | Street Level | |
1004 | King & Bay Custom Clothing Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 25th Floor | Suite 2515 | |
1005 | Korn Ferry International | Bay Wellington Tower | 38th Floor | Suite 3810 | |
1006 | Kupfert And Kim | Concourse level | |
1007 | Lazard Canada Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 45th Floor | Suite 4520 | |
1008 | Liberty Mutual Insurance Company | Bay Wellington Tower | Concourse level | Suites 900 & 1000 | |
1009 | Littler LLP | Bay Wellington Tower | 32nd Floor | Suite 3210 | |
1010 | Lloyd Anderson Group | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1011 | Lock Search Group And Pender & Howe Executive Search Firm | TD Canada Trust Tower | 24th Floor | Suite 2435 | |
1012 | Longview Communications & Public Affairs | TD Canada Trust Tower | 22th Floor | Suite 2200 | |
1013 | M&T Bank | TD Canada Trust Tower | 25th Floor | Suite 2520 | |
1014 | Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32nd Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1015 | Macquarie Capital Markets North America Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32nd Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1016 | Macquarie Equipment Finance Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32nd Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1017 | Macquarie Financial Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32th Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1018 | Macquarie Infrastructure And Real Assets Canada Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32th Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1019 | Macquarie North America Ltd. | Bay Wellington Tower | 32th Floor | Suite 3200 | |
1020 | Market by Longo's | Concourse level | |
1021 | Marquest Management Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 40th Floor | Suite 4010 | |
1022 | Ma's Best Soups | Concourse level | |
1023 | Maverix Private Equity | TD Canada Trust Tower | 23rd Floor | Suite 2300 | |
1024 | Maxit Capital LP | Bay Wellington Tower | 8th Floor | Suite 830 | tel:416-646-5316 |
1025 | McMillan LLP | Bay Wellington Tower | 43rd Floor | |
1026 | McMillan LLP | Bay Wellington Tower | 44th Floor | Suite 4400 | tel:416-865-7000 |
1027 | Moadbus | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1028 | Montfort Capital Corp. | Bay Wellington Tower | 29th Floor | Suite 2920 | |
1029 | Morgan Stanley Canada Limited | Bay Wellington Tower | 37th Floor | Suite 3700 | |
1030 | Morgan Stanley Senior Funding Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 37th Floor | Suite 3700 | tel:416-943-8357 |
1031 | Morgan Stanley Services Canada Corp. | Bay Wellington Tower | 37th Floor | Suite 3700 | |
1032 | Morrow Sodali | Bay Wellington Tower | 28th Floor | Suite 2860 | |
1033 | Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 14th Floor | Suite 1410 | |
1034 | Natixis | Bay Wellington Tower | 29th Floor | Suite 2915 | |
1035 | Neuberger Berman | Bay Wellington Tower | 8th Floor | Suite 815 | |
1036 | New Gold Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 33rd Floor | Suite 3320 | |
1037 | Nexant Canada Inc. | TD Canada Trust | 27th Floor | |
1038 | Nighthawk Gold Corp. | Bay Wellington Tower | 42nd Floor |Suite 4260 | |
1039 | Nori Japan | Food Court | tel:647-358-5688 |
1040 | Northcrest Developments | TD Canada Trust Tower | 13th Floor | Suite 1305 | |
1041 | Nutrition House | Concourse level | tel:416-216-4545 |
1042 | Oak Hill Financial Inc. | TD Canada Trust | 24th Floor | Suite 2460 | tel:647-479-5803 |
1043 | Obelysk | TD Canada Trust Tower | 23rd Floor | Suite 2300 | tel:416-361-1959 |
1044 | One Queen Capital Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 10th Floor | Suite 1040 | |
1045 | Onex | TD Canada Trust Tower | 49th Floor | |
1046 | Onyx | Concourse level | Unit C380 | |
1047 | Operis | Bay Wellington Tower | 35th Floor |Suite 3530 | |
1048 | Optimize Wealth Management | TD Canada Trust Tower | 45th Floor | Suite 4510 | |
1049 | Overbay | Bay Wellington Tower | 31st Floor |Suite 3110 | |
1050 | Oxford Properties | TD Canada Trust Tower | 22nd Floor | Suite 2220 | tel:416-363-7628 |
1051 | Pace Men's Collection | Street Level | tel:416-361-0211 |
1052 | Paramount Fine Foods | Food Court | Unit C230 | tel:416-551-7515 |
1053 | Paris & Sayer LLP | TD Canada Trust Tower | 24th Floor | Suite 2450 | |
1054 | Piazza Manna | Food Court | tel:416-862-9000 |
1055 | Pigeon Cafe | Concourse level | Units C285 & C300 | |
1056 | Pinkberry | Concourse level | |
1057 | Pistil Flowers | Concourse level | |
1058 | Platform | TD Canada Trust Tower | 31st Floor | Suite 3100 | |
1059 | Poke Box | Concourse level | |
1060 | Power Corporation Of Canada | TD Canada Trust Tower | 50th Floor | |
1061 | Power Financial Corporation | TD Canada Trust Tower | 50th Floor | |
1062 | Primaris Reit | Bay Wellington Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2720 | |
1063 | Pringle Portfolio Management Group | Bay Wellington Tower| Concourse level |Units C100 & C200 | |
1064 | Printing House | Concourse level | tel:416-366-4646 |
1065 | Protiviti | Bay Wellington Tower | 8th Floor | Suite 820 | |
1066 | Pumpernickel's | Food Court | tel:416-777-9728 |
1067 | RBC Dominion Securities | Bay Wellington Tower | 23th Floor | Suite 2350 | |
1068 | RBC Dominion Securities Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 15th Floor | Suite 1520 | tel:416-842-2300 |
1069 | Regus Business Centre | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1070 | Rein Capital | TD Canada Trust Tower | 41st Floor | Suite 4150 | tel:416-834-4130 |
1071 | Richter Advisory Group Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 35th Floor | Suite 3510 | |
1072 | Richter Consulting Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 35th Floor | Suite 3510 | |
1073 | Richter Llp | Bay Wellington Tower | 35th Floor | Suite 3510 | |
1074 | Robert Half | Bay Wellington Tower | 8th Floor | Suite 820 | |
1075 | Rogers | Concourse level | |
1076 | Roots Canada | Street Level | |
1077 | Rothschild Canada Ltd. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 42rd Floor | Suite 4230 | |
1078 | Royal Bank Of Canada | Bay Wellington Tower | Floors 11 & 12 | Suites 1100 & 1200 | |
1079 | Sas Institute (Canada) Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2710 | |
1080 | Savills Inc. | Bay Wellington Tower | 28th Floor | Suite 2810 | |
1081 | Servicenow | TD Canada Trust Tower | 13th Floor | Suite 1300 | |
1082 | Shoppers Drug Mart | Concourse level | tel:416-777-1300 |
1083 | Spirit Of Hockey | Street Level | tel:416-360-7735 |
1084 | Steadyhand Investment Funds | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1085 | Stifel Gmp | TD Canada Trust Tower | 38th Floor | Suite 3800 | tel:416-367-8600 |
1086 | Sttlr Gold | Bay Wellington Tower | 42nd Floor |Suite 4260 | |
1087 | Subway | Food Court | |
1088 | Sushi Shop | Concourse level | |
1089 | Szymon Zephan Capital - SZC Group | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | Suite 2700 | |
1090 | TD Asset Management | TD Canada Trust Tower | 35th Floor | |
1091 | TD Canada Trust | TD Canada Trust Tower | Ground floor | tel:416-361-5400 |
1092 | TD Harbour Capital | TD Canada Trust Tower | 34th Floor | |
1093 | TD Mutual Funds | TD Canada Trust Tower | 32nd Floor | |
1094 | TD Quantitative Capital | TD Canada Trust Tower | 34th Floor | |
1095 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 2nd floor | |
1096 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 32nd floor | |
1097 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 33rd floor | |
1098 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 34th floor | |
1099 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 35th floor | |
1100 | TDAM | TD Canada Trust Tower | 2nd floor | |
1101 | Tigers - Korean BBQ | Concourse level | Unit C160 | |
1102 | Thai Island | Food Court | tel:416-850-0987 |
1103 | The Bottom Line | 22 Front St. W| Street Level | tel:416-362-7585 |
1104 | The Brick Room | Concourse level | |
1105 | The David Foster Foundation | Bay Wellington Tower | 18th Floor | Suite 1800 | |
1106 | Third Eye Capital | Bay Wellington Tower | 28th Floor | Suite 2830 | |
1107 | Thorsteinssons LLP | Bay Wellington Tower | 33th Floor | Suite 3300 | tel:416-864-0829 |
1108 | Tim Hortons | Street Level | tel:416-359-0581 |
1109 | Toothworks Dental | Concourse level | Unit C330 | tel:416-364-9888 |
1110 | Torquest Partners | TD Canada Trust Tower | 42th Floor | Suite 4240 | tel:416-956-7022 |
1111 | Trafigura Canada General Partnership | Bay Wellington Tower | 10th Floor | Suite 1010 | |
1112 | Trez Capital | Bay Wellington Tower | 38th Floor |Suite 3840 | |
1113 | Trinet Group | TD Canada Trust Tower | 27th Floor | |
1114 | Triple Flag Mining | TD Canada Trust Tower | 45th Floor | Suite 4535 | |
1115 | Truefitt & Hill Barber Shop | Concourse level | tel:416-640-1210 |
1116 | UBS Securities Canada Inc. | TD Canada Trust Tower | 40th Floor | Suite 4000 | |
1117 | Valitas Capital Partners | TD Canada Trust Tower | 42nd Floor | Suite 4260 | |
1118 | Vogue Dry Cleaners | Concourse level | tel:416-368-7458 |
1119 | Wealhouse Capital Management | TD Canada Trust Tower | 39th Floor | Suite 3950 | |
1120 | A. Neil Campbell | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7025 |
1121 | Aaron Baer | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4636 |
1122 | Aaron Bains | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3084 |
1123 | Aaron Collins | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3412 |
1124 | Aaron Moore | Cushman & Wakefield ULC | tel:416-359-2591 |
1125 | Adam Chisholm | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4209 |
1126 | Adam Maerov | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7285 |
1127 | Adria Leung Lim | tel:416-865-3402 | |
1128 | Adrian Ishak | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6967 |
1129 | Adrienne Boudreau | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7073 |
1130 | Ahmed Shafey | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6964 |
1131 | Ahsan Mirza | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7855 |
1132 | Aisha Ramakrishnan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4145 |
1133 | Ajay Gajaria | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3065 |
1134 | Al Van Herpt | M + T Bank | |
1135 | Alan Lane | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1136 | Alan Zelnicker | ||
1137 | Alex Farcas | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6968 |
1138 | Alex Ilchenko | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4116 |
1139 | Alex Pankratz | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6980 |
1140 | Alex Roberts | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2323 |
1141 | Alexandra Lewis | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2347 |
1142 | Alicia Mckeag | Aird McKerlis | tel:416-865-7732 |
1143 | Alison Bier | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6923 |
1144 | Alison Hayman | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4155 |
1145 | Allan Schultz | Rein Capital | |
1146 | Amaan Gangji | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7176 |
1147 | Amanda Sutton | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7846 |
1148 | Anastasia Mamay | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7897 |
1149 | Andrea L. Onn | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7002 |
1150 | Andrea Mcewan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3449 |
1151 | Andrea Skinner | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3423 |
1152 | Andrea St. Bernard | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7281 |
1153 | Andrew Paton, Q.C. | tel:416-644-1288 | |
1154 | Andrew Fortier | ||
1155 | Andrew J.F. Kent | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7160 |
1156 | Andrew Magnus | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4744 |
1157 | Andrew Mcfarlane | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7110 |
1158 | Andrew Nicholls | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7703 |
1159 | Andrew Schweitzer | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1160 | Andrew Shaw | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2303 |
1161 | Andrew Sheiner | Altas Partners LP | tel:416-775-8260 |
1162 | Andrew Stirling | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7813 |
1163 | Andrew Tam | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4181 |
1164 | Andrew W. Dunn | Altas LP | tel:416-775-8255 |
1165 | Andrew Walker | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7206 |
1166 | Andrew Webster | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7777 |
1167 | Andronico Luksic | Antofagasta Minerals Canada | tel:647-203-8106 |
1168 | Angela John Swan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4643 |
1169 | Angelo Gentile | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4145 |
1170 | Anne Markle | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7717 |
1171 | Anne-Marie (Amy) Marcen-Gaudaur | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3066 |
1172 | Ardem Keshishian | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1173 | Arlan Gates | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6978 |
1174 | Arnold Englander | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4057 |
1175 | Ashley Palmer | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7227 |
1176 | Barbara Worndl | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7754 |
1177 | Barbra Miller | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7775 |
1178 | Ben Cheung | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1179 | Ben Abadi | Emerald Technology Ventures | |
1180 | Benjamin (Ian) Mcleod | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7788 |
1181 | Benjamin Bathgate | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4207 |
1182 | Bernie Mcgarva | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7765 |
1183 | Bill Hearn | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7240 |
1184 | Bill O'Hara | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1185 | Bill Richardson | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6937 |
1186 | Bill Woloshyn | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7063 |
1187 | Bindu Cudjoe | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7941 |
1188 | Bob Caie | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1189 | Bob Sangha | Maxit Capital Lp | tel:416-646-7877 |
1190 | Bojan Pavlovic | Korn Ferry International | |
1191 | Bonnie Tsui | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6905 |
1192 | Bowen Liu | Longyuan Canada Renewables Ltd. | |
1193 | Brad Dunkley | tel:416-681-6047 | |
1194 | Brad Lowry | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1195 | Brandon D. Wiener | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1196 | Brendan Forrest | Thorsteinssons | |
1197 | Brent Mcpherson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4103 |
1198 | Brent Pidborochynski | Thorsteinssons Llp | |
1199 | Brent Winston | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3436 |
1200 | Brett Harrison | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7932 |
1201 | Brett Hickey | ||
1202 | Brett Kenworthy | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3406 |
1203 | Brett Stewart | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7115 |
1204 | Brian Cacic | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2327 |
1205 | Brian Chung | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3426 |
1206 | Brian Ginsler | tel:416-681-8907 | |
1207 | Brian R. Carr | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1208 | Brian Segal | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6920 |
1209 | Brittany Rossler | Thorsteinssons | |
1210 | Bruce A. Mckenna | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4112 |
1211 | Bruce Chapple | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7024 |
1212 | Bruce Leboff | tel:416-681-6017 | |
1213 | Bruce Mcwilliam | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7214 |
1214 | Bruce Williams | ||
1215 | Cadie Yiu | Thorsteinssons LLP | tel:416-864-0829 |
1216 | Caley Borden | ||
1217 | Carl A. De Vuono | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4055 |
1218 | Carl Irvine | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7266 |
1219 | Carlo Aiello | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-504-2300 |
1220 | Carmen Diges | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7925 |
1221 | Carol Burns | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7787 |
1222 | Carol Lyons | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4106 |
1223 | Caroline O'Driscoll | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7709 |
1224 | Casey Halladay | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7052 |
1225 | Catherine A. Roberts | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7202 |
1226 | Catherine Doyle | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7273 |
1227 | Catherine Wallace | Stifel GMP | tel:416-943-6637 |
1228 | Cathryn Sawicki | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2338 |
1229 | Cathy Ackerson | M + T Bank | |
1230 | Cecilia Moffat | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7782 |
1231 | Charles Magerman | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6916 |
1232 | Charlie Maccready | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6876 |
1233 | Charmaine Leung | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1234 | Cherrine Chow | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6946 |
1235 | Cheryl Armstrong | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7893 |
1236 | Cheryl Elliott | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6930 |
1237 | Cheryl Forsley | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1238 | Cheryl Stacey | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7243 |
1239 | Chris Asimakis | ||
1240 | Chris Besant | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2318 |
1241 | Chris J. Matthews | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4146 |
1242 | Chris N. Germanakos | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7865 |
1243 | Chris Newall | McMillan LLP | tel:416-842-2486 |
1244 | Chris Nunes | tel:416-681-6022 | |
1245 | Chris Raybould | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6986 |
1246 | Christian Kargl-Simard | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1247 | Christie Mcneill | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7772 |
1248 | Christina Doria | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2348 |
1249 | Christine Kaartinen | Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management | tel:416-869-3817 |
1250 | Christine Simmons | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1251 | Christopher Aide | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6926 |
1252 | Christopher Bennett | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7858 |
1253 | Christopher Garrah | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4211 |
1254 | Christopher Lloyd | tel:416-865-3436 | |
1255 | Christopher Williams | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7745 |
1256 | Cindy Wan | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7190 |
1257 | Claire Desouza | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1258 | Claire-Marie Colantuoni | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6927 |
1259 | Clayton Macdougald | Emerald Technology Ventures | |
1260 | Colin S. Smith | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1261 | Corey Mackinnon | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6948 |
1262 | Courtney Raphael | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3088 |
1263 | Craig Manuel | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4170 |
1264 | Craig Marthinson | tel:416-777-4485 | |
1265 | Cyndee Todgham Cherniak Todgham Cherniak | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4168 |
1266 | Cynthia Sefton | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4730 |
1267 | D. Martin Low, Q.C. | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7100 |
1268 | Dale Schlosser | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4110 |
1269 | Dan Edmondstone | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4121 |
1270 | Dan Nolan | Blackrock | tel:609-282-2267 |
1271 | Daniel Argiros | ||
1272 | Daniel Mahler | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3447 |
1273 | Daniel Rowntree | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4133 |
1274 | Daniel V. Macdonald | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7169 |
1275 | Danielle Muise | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3963 |
1276 | Danny Edde | tel:416-681-6025 | |
1277 | Danny Kharazmi | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3449 |
1278 | Danny Ochoa | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1279 | Darcy Ammerman | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7853 |
1280 | Daria (Dasha) Peregoudova | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3417 |
1281 | Darryl R. Hiscocks | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7038 |
1282 | Dave J.G. Mckechnie | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7051 |
1283 | David Byun | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3340 |
1284 | David Dunlop | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7175 |
1285 | David E. Slan | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7069 |
1286 | David E. Thring Thring | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4028 |
1287 | David Elenbaas | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7232 |
1288 | David Gadsden | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6983 |
1289 | David Hager | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4074 |
1290 | David I. Matheson, Q.C. | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7219 |
1291 | David M.W. Young | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4118 |
1292 | David Malach | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7702 |
1293 | David Mendicino | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4053 |
1294 | David N. Ross | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7015 |
1295 | David Neligan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7751 |
1296 | David Palumbo | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6979 |
1297 | David Reiter | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4734 |
1298 | David Rosenberg | tel:416-681-8919 | |
1299 | David Shemilt | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1300 | David Stephens | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7783 |
1301 | David Takenaka | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3439 |
1302 | David Vankka | tel:416-681-8965 | |
1303 | David W. Kent | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7143 |
1304 | David Wentzell | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7036 |
1305 | Dean Psarras | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7850 |
1306 | Dean Smith | tel:416-681-8951 | |
1307 | Deanna Macdougal | ||
1308 | Denise Lash | tel:416-865-4147 | |
1309 | Denise Mccormack | tel:416-681-6008 | |
1310 | Dennis O'Leary | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4711 |
1311 | Derek Mccallum | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7728 |
1312 | Dillon Collett | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7730 |
1313 | Don M.E. Waters | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7920 |
1314 | Don Simpson | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1315 | Don West | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7737 |
1316 | Donald Carr | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3429 |
1317 | Donald H. Macodrum | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4009 |
1318 | Donald J. Wright | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4072 |
1319 | Donald Johnston | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3072 |
1320 | Donald Macdonald | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4241 |
1321 | Donald N. Plumley | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4046 |
1322 | Donna Walwyn | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6925 |
1323 | Douglas Palmateer | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7759 |
1324 | Douglas Younger | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4140 |
1325 | Dov Zevy | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1326 | E. Rebecca Potter | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1327 | E.K. (Ted) Weir, Q.C. | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7050 |
1328 | Ed Esposto | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7786 |
1329 | Edward Miller | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3427 |
1330 | Ehsan Dana | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1331 | Eileen Costello | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4740 |
1332 | Eldon Bennett | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7704 |
1333 | Elizabeth Atsaidis | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7753 |
1334 | Elizabeth Walker - Cga, Ceo | ||
1335 | Elliott Simpson | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1336 | Emily Driscoll | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1337 | Eric Friedman | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4030 |
1338 | Eric Ginsburg | tel:416-572-2501 | |
1339 | Eric Park | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1340 | Erica Yoon | Emerald Technology Ventures | tel:416-900-3457 |
1341 | Erin Cowling | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7868 |
1342 | Eryn Fanjoy | Thorsteinssons Llp | |
1343 | Essien Udokang | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6872 |
1344 | Esther Marino | tel:416-681-6042 | |
1345 | Eva Warden | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2305 |
1346 | Faizel Gulamhussein | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2337 |
1347 | Farida Hameed | Blackrock | tel:416-643-2905 |
1348 | Faruk Gafic | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4629 |
1349 | Filitsa Spanogiannis | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1350 | Fiona Brown | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3078 |
1351 | Florence Sauve | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1352 | Francesco Gucciardo | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4704 |
1353 | Frank A. Archibald | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7187 |
1354 | Frank Balas | Emerald Technology Ventures | |
1355 | Frank Palmay | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4037 |
1356 | Frank Spizzirri | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6940 |
1357 | Fred Gjoka | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7216 |
1358 | Frederick Cass | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7742 |
1359 | G. Stephen Watt | tel:416-977-9874 | |
1360 | Gabriella Kilby | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1361 | Gary Rewald | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1362 | Genna Wood | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1363 | Geoff Clarke | tel:416-572-2205 | |
1364 | Geoff Macphail | tel:416-642-2209 | |
1365 | Geoff Moysa | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7235 |
1366 | George Avraam | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6935 |
1367 | George Payne | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7053 |
1368 | George Waggott | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4221 |
1369 | Gerald Badali | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4064 |
1370 | Glenn Grenier | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4005 |
1371 | Gloria Wang | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1372 | Gobind Ahuja | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4712 |
1373 | Gord Mcmehen | ||
1374 | Gordon M. Farquharson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4067 |
1375 | Gordon Petch | tel:416-955-9530 | |
1376 | Grace Kim-Cho | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6966 |
1377 | Graeme Macgregor | RBC Dominion Securities Inc. The Harbour Group | tel:416-842-2305 |
1378 | Graham Carey | Emerald Technology Ventures | |
1379 | Graham Topa | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4739 |
1380 | Graham W.S. Scott, C.M., Q.C. | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7247 |
1381 | Grant Cansfield | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7741 |
1382 | Greg Mcilwain | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4169 |
1383 | Greg Mckenzie | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1384 | Greg Mcnab | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2311 |
1385 | H. Stewart Ash | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7165 |
1386 | Hansen Wong | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7748 |
1387 | Harry Fogul | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7773 |
1388 | Hartley Lefton | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4164 |
1389 | Harvey Bernstein | tel:416-681-6020 | |
1390 | Hayden Solomons | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3960 |
1391 | Heather Pupulin | tel:416-681-6026 | |
1392 | Heidi Visser | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4141 |
1393 | Hellen Siwanowicz | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4032 |
1394 | Henry Krupa | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4163 |
1395 | Hilary E. Clarke | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7286 |
1396 | Hon. Justice Dennis Lane, Q.C. | tel:416-955-0424 | |
1397 | Howard M. Drabinsky | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4033 |
1398 | Ian Aversa | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3082 |
1399 | Ian Ball | tel:647-258-0395 | |
1400 | Ilia Danef | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6870 |
1401 | Ingrid Fuller | tel:416-804-6022 | |
1402 | Isabelle Alain | ||
1403 | J. Mark Richardson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4142 |
1404 | J. Michael Mulroy | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4076 |
1405 | J. Scott Maidment | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7911 |
1406 | J. William Rowley, Q.C. | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7008 |
1407 | J.R. Beaudrie | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4229 |
1408 | Jack Bernstein | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7766 |
1409 | Jacob Dare | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1410 | Jacqueline Goslett | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4741 |
1411 | Jacques Bernier | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6903 |
1412 | James Meadows | tel:416-681-8954 | |
1413 | James Musgrove | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4078 |
1414 | James Schweitzer | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1415 | James Sennema | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6950 |
1416 | James Stranges | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4183 |
1417 | James W. Murdoch | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1418 | Jamie M. Wilks | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7804 |
1419 | Jamie Simmonds | tel:416-681-6077 | |
1420 | Jamie Wise | tel:416-365-2785 | |
1421 | Jane Pepino | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7727 |
1422 | Janine Macneil | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4124 |
1423 | Jason A. Chertin | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7854 |
1424 | Jason Currie | ||
1425 | Jason J. Annibale | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7912 |
1426 | Jason J. Rivait | tel:416-865-4148 | |
1427 | Jay Mecklinger | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1428 | Jay Rosenzweig | ||
1429 | Jazel Alon | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1430 | Jeanne E. Chiang | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1431 | Jeannine Lichong | tel:416-681-6019 | |
1432 | Jeff Hales | tel:416-681-6006 | |
1433 | Jeff Moody | tel:416-681-6040 | |
1434 | Jeff Rogers | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7818 |
1435 | Jeff Rosin | tel:647-313-6302 | |
1436 | Jeffrey B. Simpson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4011 |
1437 | Jeffrey Brown | tel:416-572-2398 | |
1438 | Jeffrey Levine | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7791 |
1439 | Jeffrey Merk | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7768 |
1440 | Jenna Himelfarb | Thorsteinssons | |
1441 | Jennifer Wainwright | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4632 |
1442 | Jennifer A.C. Parkin | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7109 |
1443 | Jennifer Bond | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4248 |
1444 | Jennifer Dawson | Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. | tel:416-361-2562 |
1445 | Jennifer Schwartz | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7945 |
1446 | Jeremy D. Burke | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4644 |
1447 | Jeremy Freedman | tel:416-681-6010 | |
1448 | Jeremy Hann | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2322 |
1449 | Jeremy Nemers | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7724 |
1450 | Jesse Rosensweet | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3063 |
1451 | Jesse Waslowski | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7771 |
1452 | Jessica Blackburn | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1453 | Jill Fraser | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7744 |
1454 | Jillian Reiner | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7841 |
1455 | Jim File | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1456 | Jim Holloway | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6914 |
1457 | Joanne Coldwell | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4642 |
1458 | Joanne Vatavu | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7859 |
1459 | Joel Rose | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3408 |
1460 | John Contini | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4148 |
1461 | John Conway | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4222 |
1462 | John A. Paterson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7021 |
1463 | John Craig | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7128 |
1464 | John D. Andrews | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3404 |
1465 | John Danson | The David Foster Foundation | tel:416-865-4646 |
1466 | John F. Clifford | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7134 |
1467 | John Grant | McMillan LLP | tel:416-842-3501 |
1468 | John Longo | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7785 |
1469 | John Macleod | M + T Bank | tel:416-214-2301 |
1470 | John Mascarin | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7721 |
1471 | John Mealia | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1472 | John Owen | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1473 | John Pirie | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2325 |
1474 | John Willett | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1475 | Jon Veale | ||
1476 | Jonathan Cocker | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6908 |
1477 | Jonathan Dixon | Cushman & Wakefield ULC | tel:416-359-2591 |
1478 | Jonathan Tam | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2324 |
1479 | Jonathan Tong | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6974 |
1480 | Jonathan Yantzi | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4733 |
1481 | Jordan Kirkness | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6915 |
1482 | Joseph D'Angelo | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4088 |
1483 | Joseph Z. Salmon | tel:416-865-4620 | |
1484 | Josephine Matera | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3061 |
1485 | Josh Kumar | Aird & Berlis LLP | |
1486 | Joshua M. Milgrom | tel:416-865-4621 | |
1487 | Joyce Presinal | tel:416-681-6081 | |
1488 | Julie Han | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7199 |
1489 | Julie Mitz | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4206 |
1490 | June Brookes | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1491 | Kai Lam | tel:416-681-6054 | |
1492 | Kalle Soomer | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4117 |
1493 | Kamleh Nicola | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6988 |
1494 | Karen Shaver | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7292 |
1495 | Kate Lawlor | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1496 | Katherine Amirault | Thorsteinssons | |
1497 | Kathryn Borgatti | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7192 |
1498 | Kathy A. Martin | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7889 |
1499 | Kathy Woods | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1500 | Keith Bird | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4205 |
1501 | Kelly Riedel | Maxit Capital LP | tel:416-363-7238 |
1502 | Ken Bursey | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7835 |
1503 | Ken Clark | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4736 |
1504 | Ken Jull | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2309 |
1505 | Kenneth Pimentel | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3407 |
1506 | Kent Beattie | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2304 |
1507 | Kerry Smith | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1508 | Kevin Carter | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1509 | Kevin Coon | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6941 |
1510 | Kevin Rooney | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6871 |
1511 | Kim Kovar | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7769 |
1512 | Kim Stouffer | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2310 |
1513 | Kimberly J. Poster | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7890 |
1514 | Konrad Pola | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6994 |
1515 | Kristina M. Soutar | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1516 | Kristy Balkwill | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6959 |
1517 | Kyle B. Lamothe | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1518 | Kyle Kidd | Aird McKerlis | tel:416-865-3089 |
1519 | Kyle Plunkett | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3406 |
1520 | Lai-King Hum | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4086 |
1521 | Laryssa Topolnytsky | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1522 | Laura Dean | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7706 |
1523 | Lawrence Veregin | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3073 |
1524 | Leo Longo | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7778 |
1525 | Leonard Gilbert | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1526 | Les Chaiet | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7933 |
1527 | Lesley Kim | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6896 |
1528 | Lewis Rusen | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1529 | Liam Tracey-Raymont | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3964 |
1530 | Lindsay Lorimer | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7197 |
1531 | Lisa Brost | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7186 |
1532 | Lisa Douglas | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6972 |
1533 | Lisa Moreau | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7778 |
1534 | Lisa Parliament | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7801 |
1535 | Lorenzo Lisi | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7722 |
1536 | Lorna Schoenroth | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3086 |
1537 | Lorway Gosse | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3430 |
1538 | Louise Barrett | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1539 | Louise Summerhill | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3416 |
1540 | Luigi Macchioine | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7116 |
1541 | Luke Mullin | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4083 |
1542 | Lydia Wakulowsky | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7066 |
1543 | Lyn Currie | ||
1544 | Lyndsay Wasser | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7083 |
1545 | Lynn Kotsopoulos | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1546 | Lynn Van Der Valk | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7149 |
1547 | Maggie Bassani | tel:416-865-3401 | |
1548 | Malcolm Clarke | tel:416-681-6057 | |
1549 | Malorie Mandolidis | Cushman & Wakefield | tel:416-359-2417 |
1550 | Mandeep Grewal | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1551 | Marc Kemerer | ||
1552 | Marco Clementoni | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4120 |
1553 | Marco Gammone | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4627 |
1554 | Marcus Hinkley | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6979 |
1555 | Margaret C. Mcnee | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7284 |
1556 | Margaret Nelligan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7710 |
1557 | Maria Astafieva | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1558 | Maria Sagan | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7851 |
1559 | Mariam Al-Shikarchy | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7171 |
1560 | Marie Bruchet | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7103 |
1561 | Marie-Eve Heming | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1562 | Mark Deleon | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1563 | Mark E.P. Cavanaugh | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4016 |
1564 | Mark Ellis | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6991 |
1565 | Mark Mcginnis | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1566 | Mark Mendl | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6948 |
1567 | Mark Opashinov | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7873 |
1568 | Mark Petersen | Pringle Portfolio Management Group | |
1569 | Mark Rowbotham | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7135 |
1570 | Mark Tonkovich | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6984 |
1571 | Mark Van Zandvoort | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4742 |
1572 | Mark Wiffen | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4192 |
1573 | Mark Wisniewski | tel:416-681-8952 | |
1574 | Markus Koehnen | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7218 |
1575 | Marni M. K. Whitaker | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4061 |
1576 | Martin Henderson | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7725 |
1577 | Martin Kovnats | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3419 |
1578 | Martti Paloheimo | tel:416-365-9991 | |
1579 | Marty Venalainen | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7141 |
1580 | Mary Flynn-Guglietti | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7256 |
1581 | Mary-Ann Haney | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7293 |
1582 | Matt Saunders | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6996 |
1583 | Matthew Langford | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7271 |
1584 | Matthew G. Williams | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1585 | Matthew German | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4146 |
1586 | Matthew Helfand | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4624 |
1587 | Matthew Kindree | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2313 |
1588 | Matthew Latella | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6985 |
1589 | Max Munoz | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4718 |
1590 | Maxine Ethier | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6987 |
1591 | Meaghan Barrett | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3064 |
1592 | Meghan Cowan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4722 |
1593 | Melanie A. Cole | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4638 |
1594 | Melanie Yach | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7770 |
1595 | Melissa Young | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1596 | Meredith Mccann | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4719 |
1597 | Michael Brooks | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3422 |
1598 | Michael Burns | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7261 |
1599 | Michael D. Templeton | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7837 |
1600 | Michael Friedman | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7914 |
1601 | Michael Gillis | tel:416-309-2190 | |
1602 | Michael Horvat | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4622 |
1603 | Michael M. Peterson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7839 |
1604 | Michael Mcdonald | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3069 |
1605 | Michael Nowina | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2312 |
1606 | Michael P. Whitcombe | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7126 |
1607 | Michael Spencer | Maxit Capital LP | tel:416-361-9606 |
1608 | Michael Tamber | tel:416-786-2696 | |
1609 | Michele Smith | ||
1610 | Mickey M. Yaksich | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7097 |
1611 | Mike Petersen | ||
1612 | Mike Richmond | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7832 |
1613 | Mike Zamora | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1614 | Milan Vukovic | Thorsteinssons | |
1615 | Miranda Spence | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3414 |
1616 | Molly Martin | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1617 | Monty Warsh | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4626 |
1618 | Myriam Seers | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7817 |
1619 | Nancie Lataille | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1620 | Nancy Hamzo | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2232 |
1621 | Nataliia Utikalova | Valitas Capital Partners | |
1622 | Nathan Gates | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3086 |
1623 | Neil Bass | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3071 |
1624 | Neil Cameron | Emerald Technology Ventures | |
1625 | Neill Kalvin | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7733 |
1626 | Neli Birshtein | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4623 |
1627 | Nick Torchetti | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7752 |
1628 | Nicole Lynx | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1629 | Nigel Etherington | ||
1630 | Noah M. Sarna | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1631 | Norman Khan | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3420 |
1632 | Oana Chivaran | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2346 |
1633 | Ora Wexler | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2331 |
1634 | Paige Backman | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7700 |
1635 | Pamela Miehls | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3965 |
1636 | Pat Forgione | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7798 |
1637 | Patricia Foran | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3425 |
1638 | Patricia Harrington | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3424 |
1639 | Patricia Tomasino Tomasino | tel:416-955-9533 | |
1640 | Patrick J. Phelan | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4068 |
1641 | Patrick Keeley | tel:416-681-8935 | |
1642 | Patrick Oufi | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3071 |
1643 | Paul Damp | Finn River Management Corp. | |
1644 | Paul Burns | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6912 |
1645 | Paul Collins | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4050 |
1646 | Paul Davis | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4137 |
1647 | Paul G. Jachymek | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7780 |
1648 | Paul J. Avis | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7006 |
1649 | Paul J. Gibney | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1650 | Paul Mccallen | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7723 |
1651 | Perry Ing | tel:647-258-0395 | |
1652 | Peter Giddens | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4042 |
1653 | Peter A. Willis | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7210 |
1654 | Peter Clark | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6943 |
1655 | Peter Coward | RBC Dominion Securities Inc. The Harbour Group | tel:416-842-2280 |
1656 | Peter Czegledy | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7749 |
1657 | Peter E.J. Wells | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4007 |
1658 | Peter Fullerton | RBC Dominion Securities Inc. The Harbour Group | tel:416-842-3540 |
1659 | Peter Richardson | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6913 |
1660 | Peter Van Loan | tel:416-865-3418 | |
1661 | Philip Moss | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1662 | Puja Varma | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7079 |
1663 | R. Nairn Waterman | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4024 |
1664 | Rachel Blumenfeld | tel:416-865-3413 | |
1665 | Rajat Prashar | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7942 |
1666 | Randy Hooke | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7784 |
1667 | Randy Schwartz | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2306 |
1668 | Randy Williamson | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7705 |
1669 | Ratika Gandhi | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7795 |
1670 | Rebecca Loo | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1671 | Rebecca Hines | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7757 |
1672 | Reema Kapoor | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7082 |
1673 | Reena Kotecha | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4645 |
1674 | Reno Giancola | tel:416-681-6065 | |
1675 | Richard Dainard | ||
1676 | Richard Epstein | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3437 |
1677 | Richard Forsley | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1678 | Richard Kimel | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3961 |
1679 | Richard Mccluskey | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7146 |
1680 | Richard Meagher | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4025 |
1681 | Rick Paolone | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1682 | Rob Barrass | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7099 |
1683 | Robb English | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4748 |
1684 | Robert Antenore | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7896 |
1685 | Robert Bryce | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1686 | Robert E. Glass | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4108 |
1687 | Robert Fraser | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4230 |
1688 | Robert Hester | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7803 |
1689 | Robert K. Mcdermott | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7085 |
1690 | Robert M. Scavone | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7901 |
1691 | Robert R. Cranston | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4038 |
1692 | Robert Wisner | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7127 |
1693 | Roberto Andreacchi | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7856 |
1694 | Ron Aiello | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1695 | Ron Besse | tel:416-815-3173 | |
1696 | Ron Clark | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7701 |
1697 | Rosalyn Wallace | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7157 |
1698 | Rosamaria Longo | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4093 |
1699 | Russell Cheeseman | tel:416-955-9529 | |
1700 | Russell Goldenberg | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7216 |
1701 | Russell J. Sanders | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7734 |
1702 | Ryan Matthew Igel | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3415 |
1703 | Ryan Morris | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7180 |
1704 | Saam Nainifard | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3070 |
1705 | Sam Babe Babe | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7718 |
1706 | Sam Billard | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4648 |
1707 | Sam Lewis | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1708 | Sandeep Singh | Maxit Capital LP | tel:416-646-7876 |
1709 | Sandra Sbrocchi | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7885 |
1710 | Sandra Zhao | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7808 |
1711 | Sandy Andreou | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7107 |
1712 | Sanj Sood | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3083 |
1713 | Sanjeev Mitra | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3085 |
1714 | Sarah Hayley | tel:416-865-4720 | |
1715 | Sarah Kilpatrick | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4010 |
1716 | Sarah Moss | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1717 | Sarah Petersen | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2339 |
1718 | Schuyler (Skip) Sigel | Korn Ferry International | tel:416-365-1841 |
1719 | Scott Macpherson | Cushman & Wakefield ULC | tel:416-359-2591 |
1720 | Scott Stoll | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4703 |
1721 | Scott Whitley | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4071 |
1722 | Sean Farrell | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7910 |
1723 | Sean Green | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7736 |
1724 | Sean Mason | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4731 |
1725 | Shaheen Karolia | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6958 |
1726 | Shahen Mirakian | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7238 |
1727 | Shakaira John | tel:416-866-4637 | |
1728 | Shane Nagle | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1729 | Shannon Armishaw | Platform | tel:416-306-8443 |
1730 | Shannon Schembri | RHI Executive Search | tel:416-350-2330 |
1731 | Shannon Seitz | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4223 |
1732 | Sharon E. Groom | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7152 |
1733 | Sharon Han | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1734 | Shauna Leydon | Marquest Asset Management Inc. | tel:416-777-7850 |
1735 | Sheila M. Crummey | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7017 |
1736 | Sherri Altshuler | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3081 |
1737 | Sheryl Seigel | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4063 |
1738 | Sidonia J. Loiacono | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7763 |
1739 | Silvia Cheung | tel:416-681-6023 | |
1740 | Simon Quick | tel:647-258-0395 | |
1741 | Sivan Nisimov | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7096 |
1742 | Somer Arthurs | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1743 | Sonia Yung | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6875 |
1744 | Sorcha O'Carroll | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7035 |
1745 | Stanley Ng | tel:416-681-6043 | |
1746 | Stanley W. L. Freedman | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7762 |
1747 | Stefan Ioannou | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1748 | Stefan Spears | Lexam VG Gold Inc. | tel:647-258-0395 |
1749 | Stephanie Robinson | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7204 |
1750 | Stephanie Grace | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7762 |
1751 | Stephanie Maccready | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6886 |
1752 | Stephanie Vaccari | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6976 |
1753 | Stephen C.E. Rigby | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7793 |
1754 | Stephen Crawford | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4725 |
1755 | Stephen G. Zolf | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3062 |
1756 | Stephen Genttner | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7023 |
1757 | Steve Elgee | tel:416-365-2786 | |
1758 | Steve Tenai | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4620 |
1759 | Steve Zakem | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3440 |
1760 | Steven Graff | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7726 |
1761 | Stevie J. O'Brien | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7830 |
1762 | Stuart Bollefer | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3079 |
1763 | Sumitha Pudupakkam | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4212 |
1764 | Susan Michie | Regus Business Centre | tel:416-572-2205 |
1765 | Susan Pak | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3430 |
1766 | Susan W. Jenah | tel:416-865-4707 | |
1767 | T.E. Scott | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7183 |
1768 | Tab Khera | Rein Capital | |
1769 | Tania D'Souza-Culora | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2308 |
1770 | Tara Lockey | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1771 | Teresa Dufort | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7145 |
1772 | Theo Ling | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6954 |
1773 | Thomas Fenton | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4631 |
1774 | Thomas Hill | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3432 |
1775 | Tim Lowman | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7715 |
1776 | Tim Murphy | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7908 |
1777 | Tim Stinson | tel:416-681-8931 | |
1778 | Timothy Burgess | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1779 | Timothy Jones | tel:416-865-3086 | |
1780 | Todd Gibson | Haywood Securities Inc. | tel:416-507-2300 |
1781 | Todd A. Miller | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7058 |
1782 | Tom Halinski | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7767 |
1783 | Tony Gioia | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3403 |
1784 | Tracy Josephs | Harte Gold Corp. | tel:416-368-0999 |
1785 | Trent Horne | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3428 |
1786 | Trevor B. Deboer | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4743 |
1787 | Trevor Crowley | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4640 |
1788 | Tushara Weerasooriya | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7262 |
1789 | Tyler Brent | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7729 |
1790 | Valerie Garcia | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7861 |
1791 | Vedran Simkic | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4732 |
1792 | W. Brad Hanna | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7276 |
1793 | Wade Jack | tel:647-505-3020 | |
1794 | Wael Rostom | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7790 |
1795 | Wale Sola | Rein Capital | |
1796 | Wayne Gray | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7842 |
1797 | Wendy Chun | McMillan LLP | tel:416-865-7264 |
1798 | William (Bill) Webb | tel:416-681-6016 | |
1799 | William A. Rowlands | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4065 |
1800 | William Chalmers | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-3435 |
1801 | William J.V. Sheridan | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4060 |
1802 | William Vanderburgh | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-7736 |
1803 | William Watson | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-6910 |
1804 | Xuemei Jia | tel:416-222-4478 EXT 0 | |
1805 | Yan Ma | tel:416-587-0641 | |
1806 | Yasin Bismilla | McMillan LLP | tel:416-307-4195 |
1807 | Ye Xia | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2319 |
1808 | Yong Kwon | Novacap Management Inc. | |
1809 | Zale Skolnik | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4710 |
1810 | Trent Abraham | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1811 | Ye Xia | Baker McKenzie | tel:416-865-2319 |
1812 | Zach Gordon | Thorsteinssons LLP | |
1813 | Zale Skolnik | Aird & Berlis LLP | tel:416-865-4710 |