Check back soon for more updates!
Additional Services Provided by Indigo
Tune in here frequently to read net zero news! To get you caught up please review the timeline for our work planned and completed thus far.
We are actively working in pursuit of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, or sooner. Our current focus is identifying Carbon Reduction Measures (CRMs) and operational changes to be implemented at our properties. Preliminary findings indicate by taking these steps alone, we can likely reduce the location-based emissions at our sites by close to 80%! What kind of CRMs are being considered? Here are a few examples from across our portfolio:
Carbon quantification implemented for all Canadian office properties2012
Initial energy audits and re-commissioning studies completed for properties pursuing LEED® Existing Building Operations + Maintenance (EB:OM) certifications2013
Third-party assurance of environmental performance data implemented2017
Deep Lake Water Cooling (DLWC) in place at Bay Adelaide Centre + Brookfield Place Toronto + Exchange TowerSecond round of energy audits completed for properties pursuing LEED® EB:OM
ECM’s implemented contributing to a 25% energy savings across Canada compared to 2008 baseline2021
NZAM net zero by 2050 or sooner commitment2022
North American Decarbonization Program and Policy developed and deployedNet zero carbon modelling software piloted
Deep net zero studies leveraging real-time carbon modelling software underway for priority assets2024+
Decarbonization plans developed and implemented for each asset2030
Canadian office portfolio powered by 100% emission free electricity
Once complete, Suncor Energy Centre will be home to a new:
Expected timeline:
Check back soon for more details on this project timeline.
What is net zero emissions?
Net zero emissions means achieving a balance between greenhouse gases emitted and those taken out of the atmosphere (Fankhauser et al, 2022). Many countries, companies, and organizations are setting targets for achieving net zero emissions as part of the global aim to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees of warming or less (Fankhauser et al, 2022).
How did you set your interim target? Why did you not set it higher?
Our ambition is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management.
Decarbonizing 100% of assets under management is a significant undertaking. In setting the interim target, we focused on investments where (i) we have control and therefore sufficient influence over the outcomes; (ii) we assessed it was commercially viable to do so, and (iii) we could identify and implement actionable initiatives in the near term. Our intention is to increase the proportion of our assets on a path to net zero to 100% over time.
What is the target reduction you intend to achieve by 2030?
For the assets included in our interim target we are targeting to reduce emissions by two-thirds by 2030, compared to a 2020 baseline. Some of our businesses, such as renewable power, are aiming to reduce emissions by 100% by 2030 while other businesses, such as our core office real estate business, are targeting a reduction of 50%. Brookfield, the asset manager, intends to be net zero by no later than 2030.
What scopes of emissions are included in your net zero interim target?
Our net zero interim target is based on Scope 1 and 2 emissions. We are planning to expand our emissions inventory over time to include material Scope 3 emissions, with the benefit of emerging guidance of calculation of Scope 3 as it becomes available.
What is your base year?
We are using 2019 for our Real Estate portfolio baseline.
What methodology are you using to align to net zero?
At the organizational level, we are utilizing the guidance provided by [Paris Aligned Investment Initiative Net Zero Investment Framework] to align to net zero. We will utilize specific sector guidance for business segments where specific guidance is available or being developed.
Are you planning to use offsets to get to net zero?
Our primary focus is reducing emissions. We are cognizant that even after taking every measure possible to reduce a company’s emissions, there may still be residual emissions. We expect to utilize offsets in instances where there are no technologically and/or financially viable ways to eliminate residual emissions.
What is the difference between offsets and RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates)?
A REC represents the environmental attributes of 1 megawatt-hour of electricity generated by an accredited renewable energy facility. Emerging market best practice is to use RECs to offset Scope 2 emissions (i.e. the emissions generated by purchased electricity, steam, heating, cooling). Buyers can choose vintage (i.e. year), location, and certification criteria – all criteria impact REC price.
An offset represents 1 metric ton of CO2 emissions generated by a GHG reduction project. Buyers can choose project location, project type, and certification criteria – with each impacting offset price. Can be used to offset Scope 1, 2, or 3 emissions:
We are taking a holistic view on carbon emissions for our assets. It’s not always about building brand new as the embodied (or upfront) carbon associated with new construction can far outweigh the operational emissions over the life of the building. As such, we feel that it is very important to continue to prioritize repurposing and retrofitting our existing buildings to reduce our net emissions as we move toward our 2050 target.
Brookfield Properties actively monitors the environmental performance of our assets. When it comes to carbon, that means leveraging our systems to track real-time electricity use, plus our natural gas, and district energy consumption. We then apply the most current carbon emissions factors to convert our energy data into equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide. Finally, each spring we engage an external third-party to formally assure our data for the previous year.
We’re committed to net zero by 2050 but we aren’t waiting to take action. Our Canadian office properties are aiming to be powered by 100% zero emissions electricity by 2030, or sooner. We are actively sourcing an emissions free electricity solution for our Calgary and Toronto markets that is tailored to suit each.
At Brookfield Properties we’re always on the lookout for opportunities to achieve operational excellence at our assets. With this in mind, our decarbonization journey is most heavily weighted on improving energy efficiency, investigating fuel-switching, deploying new technology, and implementing carbon reduction measures at our properties. We want to take all reasonable measures available to reduce our carbon emissions at each asset in our pursuit of net zero carbon.
Avoided GHG Emissions2 | This is an estimate of the GHG emissions that are avoided in relation to a baseline situation or scenario. Beyond the organizational scope, companies, regions, or states can help avoid GHG emissions by proposing low carbon solutions via products, services, or strategies for consumers and/or citizens.
Carbon Neutrality / Net Zero5 | A state in which CO2 emissions are balanced by a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference.
Carbon Offsetting3 | This is an action that neutralizes the residual GHG emissions of an organization or territory by financing GHG emissions reduction projects or GHG sequestration projects beyond its monitoring scope, through the purchase of carbon credits. For every 1 metric ton of CO2 emitted, one carbon credit will need to be purchased.
Climate Change Risk Assessments2 | Climate change risk assessments assist organizations in identifying, assessing, and managing climate-related risks and opportunities relevant for their business. Risks are typically classified as physical or transition risks. Risks could then be integrated into an organization’s overall risk management process or its strategy and are a key component for an organization to align with the recommendations of TCFD.
Decarbonization Plans | A documented plan that would offer a roadmap with key actions and strategies to consolidate the process towards reducing carbon by 2050 or sooner.
Direct GHG Emissions –
Scope 12 |
Scope 1 emissions refers to direct emissions produced by the on-site burning of fossil fuels measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e). These emissions are from sources that are owned or controlled by the organization, and include on-site fossil fuel combustion, fleet fuel consumption, and fugitive emissions.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions2 | Emissions commonly include the following types of gases: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and Fluorinated Gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3).
Indirect GHG Emissions – Scope 22
e.g., Purchased electricity for own use |
Scope 2 emissions refers to indirect emissions generated by the electricity consumed and purchased and is measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e). These emissions are from sources that are owned or controlled by the organization and include emissions that result from the generation of purchased or acquired electricity, heating, cooling, and steam purchased by the organizations’ utility provider.
Indirect GHG Emissions – Scope 32
e.g., Production of purchased materials, Employee Business travel, Waste disposal, Contractor owned vehicles, Outsourced activities |
Scope 3 emissions refers to indirect emissions that occur in the organization’s value chain measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e). These emissions are from sources not owned or directly controlled by the organization but are a consequence of the organization’s activities. This includes both upstream and downstream emissions. |
Negative GHG emissions3 | When organizations capture and store more GHG emissions than they produce annually, the difference between the recorded annual emissions and the sequestered emissions is represented by negative GHG emissions.
Net Zero Asset Manager initiative (NZAM)6 | The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative is an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius; and to supporting investing aligned with net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner (NZAM, 2024).
Physical Risk1 | The acute or chronic physical risks to an organization’s physical infrastructure due to climate change. Examples could include extreme weather events or an ongoing increase in the severity and duration of heat events1.
Physical Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)4 | Bilateral Transaction in which we purchase the green power directly from the supplier including the green power attributes. This changes the utility billing structure unlike the Virtual PPA
Reduced GHG emissions3 | This is a measured or estimated reduction in GHG emissions associated with the activities of organizations through changes in consumption and production choices.
Residual GHG emissions3 | When efforts are made to reduce emissions, the residual emissions are those that remain. These are calculated when a revised footprint is completed, and any offset or sequestered emissions are deducted.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) 5 | Renewable energy certificates are market instruments that represent the environmental benefits associated with one megawatt hour of electricity generated from renewable resources such as solar and wind. They are purchased (via contract from a third party) separately from the electricity itself. Project type, vicinity and vintage also matter.
Science-Based Targets7 | Science-based targets provide a clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth.
Targets are considered ‘science-based’ if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)2 | TCFD is a climate change-related framework with recommendations developed to assist organizations in integrating climate-related considerations into governance, strategy, risk management and their metrics and targets; the goal is to promote clear and effective climate-related disclosures that can help stakeholders better understand climate risks and opportunities.
Transition Risk1 | Risks related to transitions an organization could face due to climate change. Most often grouped into the categories: Policy & Legal (i.e. changes to carbon reporting or pricing); Technology (i.e. customer preferences shift to lower emission products); Market (i.e. changing customer behaviour); and Reputation1.
Utility Green Power | Utility green power is a product offered by some utilities where the electricity and the associated environmental attributes (in the form of renewable energy certificates) are sold together. Unlike a PPA, utility green power purchases often do not require a volume purchase or fixed term. All utility green power should be certified by either ECOLOGO or Green-e or meet the general requirements for each region. The Green power facility and utility location also matters.
Virtual Green Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA)4
Also known as a Financial Power Purchase Agreement |
Financial PPAs or Contracts-for-Differences where one maintains the existing utility contract but enter into a separate agreement for green power costs (+/- true-up vs. market rates) and the green power attributes. Note, generally this is not an option for tenants that do not purchase energy directly from utilities; they would need to explore RECs/Carbon Offsets solutions.
Glossary References:
Net zero emissions means achieving a balance between greenhouse gases emitted and those taken out of the atmosphere (Fankhauser et al, 2022). Many countries, companies, and organizations are setting targets for achieving net zero emissions as part of the global aim to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees of warming or less (Fankhauser et al, 2022).
In March 2021, Brookfield Asset Management (Brookfield) became a signatory to NZAM initiative, formalizing our support for the goal of net zero greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions by 2050 or sooner.
For your own safety, please remember to lock all doors and close all windows after you have parked your vehicle in the garage. Valuables and cellular phones should be stored and locked in the trunk, where at all possible.
Parking Garage Emergency Duress System and Security
Duress/Information stations are located at various locations throughout every level of the parking complex, including parking elevator lobbies.
The stations are identifiable by:
The Duress/Information stations are monitored from the Security Operations Centre operates 24/7. Once a duress station is activated, security will be able to communicate via the intercom and will dispatch security personnel to assist while simultaneously monitoring all activity on CCTV.
Additional parking security includes:
Should you have any questions about the system or any other security-related matters, please feel free to contact Paul Parent, Manager, Security & Life Safety at
For details, call (416) 862- 6129 or visit the Parking Office located in the A-Level of the Parking Garage
INDIGO Park Canada Inc. is an independent parking management company presently under contract with Brookfield Properties to operate the parking garage at First Canadian Place and Exchange Tower. For further information regarding the parking garage, to make special arrangements for prepaid guest and/or staff parking validations, or details about our services, please call (416)862-6129 or visit the Parking Office located in the A-Level of the Parking Garage.
Tenant and Visitor Parking
Tenant and visitor parking stalls are available on all levels with five parking elevators that provide access to the ground and concourse levels of First Canadian Place and Exchange Tower.
Monthly Parking
A parking access electronic transponder is available for customers who are interested in arranging for regular monthly parking. Details on registering for monthly parking can be obtained by contacting the Parking Office at (416)862-6129.
I, hereby indemnify and hold harmless, Brookfield Properties (USA II) LLC, AFL-CIO Building Investment Trust, BPREP 1801 California Street Owner LLC, BIT Investment Ninety, LLC, RREEF America LLC, RREEF Management LLC, Great Gray Trust Company, LLC, their parent companies, subsidiaries, partners, officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, and expenses for property damage, theft, or personal injury, arising out of or in connection with the use of the bike cage in the 1801 California dock for the parking of bicycles.
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
1671 | 2023 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X2 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 25 | 41 |
1672 | 2023 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X4 | 3.6L 6, auto 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 24 | 40 |
1673 | 2023 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X4 | 3.6L 6, auto 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 24 | 40 |
1674 | 2022 | 11_PST | Ram | 1500 4X2 | 3.0L 6, auto [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 22 | 32 | 41 |
1675 | 2022 | 11_PST | Ram | 1500 4X2 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 25 | 41 |
1676 | 2022 | 11_PST | Ram | 1500 4X4 | 3.6L 6, auto 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 24 | 40 |
1677 | 2022 | 11_PST | Ram | 1500 HFE 4X2 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1678 | 2022 | 11_PST | Ram | 1500 HFE 4X2 | 3.0L 6, auto [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 23 | 33 | 42 |
1679 | 2021 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X2 | 3.0L 6, auto [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 22.0 | 32.0 | 41 |
1680 | 2021 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X2 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20.0 | 25.0 | 41 |
1681 | 2021 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 4X4 | 3.6L 6, auto 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19.0 | 24.0 | 40 |
1682 | 2021 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 HFE 4X2 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20.0 | 26.0 | 42 |
1683 | 2021 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21.0 | 28.0 | 45 |
1684 | 2020 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 | 3.0L 6, auto [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 22 | 32 | 41 |
1685 | 2020 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 25 | 41 |
1686 | 2020 | 11_PST | RAM | 1500 HFE | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1687 | 2020 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 28 | 45 |
1688 | 2019 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 21 | 28 | 44 |
1689 | 2018 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 21 | 28 | 44 |
1690 | 2018 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 21 | 28 | 44 |
1691 | 2017 | 09_VNL | RAM | PROMASTER CITY | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 / LEV-II ULEV | 21 | 28 | 44 |
1692 | 2016 | 09_VNL | RAM | PROMASTER CITY | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 21 | 29 | 42 |
1693 | 2015 | 09_VNL | RAM | Promaster City | 2.4L 4, auto | Bin 4 | 21 | 29 | 40 |
1694 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Rivian | R1S 20in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.04 | 1.77 | 40 |
1695 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Rivian | R1S 21in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.24 | 1.97 | 41 |
1696 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Rivian | R1S 22in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.17 | 1.88 | 41 |
1697 | 2023 | 11_PST | Rivian | R1T 20in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.04 | 1.77 | 41 |
1698 | 2023 | 11_PST | Rivian | R1T 21in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.27 | 2.06 | 42 |
1699 | 2023 | 11_PST | Rivian | R1T 22in | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.17 | 1.88 | 41 |
1700 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Rivian | R1S | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.17 | 1.94 | 41 |
1701 | 2022 | 11_PST | Rivian | R1T | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 2.2 | 1.95 | 42 |
1702 | 2012 | 03_COM | SAAB | 9-3 CONVERTIBLE | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 20 | 33 | 41 |
1703 | 2012 | 03_COM | SAAB | 9-3 SPORT SEDAN | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 20 | 33 | 42 |
1704 | 2012 | 04_WGS | SAAB | 9-3 SPORTCOMBI | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 20 | 33 | 42 |
1705 | 2012 | 05_MID | SAAB | 9-5 SEDAN | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 20 | 33 | 41 |
1706 | 2011 | 03_COM | SAAB | 9-3 SPORT SEDAN | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 5 / LEV II | 21 | 31 | 40 |
1707 | 2011 | 04_WGS | SAAB | 9-3 SPORTCOMBI | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 5 / LEV II | 21 | 31 | 40 |
1708 | 2011 | 05_MID | SAAB | 9-5 SEDAN | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 20 | 33 | 40 |
1709 | 2010 | 05_MID | SATURN | AURA | 2.4L 4, auto stk | Bin 4 | 22 | 33 | 40 |
1710 | 2009 | 03_COM | SATURN | ASTRA 2D HATCHBACK | 1.8L 4, auto | ULEV II / Bin 5 | 24 | 30 | 41 |
1711 | 2009 | 03_COM | SATURN | ASTRA 2D HATCHBACK | 1.8L 4, manual | ULEV II / Bin 5 | 24 | 32 | 42 |
1712 | 2009 | 05_MID | SATURN | ASTRA 4DR HATCHBACK | 1.8L 4, auto | ULEV II / Bin 5 | 24 | 30 | 41 |
1713 | 2009 | 05_MID | SATURN | ASTRA 4DR HATCHBACK | 1.8L 4, manual | ULEV II / Bin 5 | 24 | 32 | 42 |
1714 | 2009 | 05_MID | SATURN | AURA | 2.4L 4, auto stk | SULEV II / Bin 5 | 22 | 33 | 41 |
1715 | 2007 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.2L 4, manual | PZEV | 26 | 35 | 43 |
1716 | 2007 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.2L 4, manual | Bin 5 / LEV II | 26 | 35 | 41 |
1717 | 2007 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.4L 4, manual [P] | Bin 5 / LEV II | 25 | 34 | 40 |
1718 | 2007 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.4L 4, auto [P] | Bin 5 / LEV II | 24 | 32 | 40 |
1719 | 2006 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.2L 4, manual | PZEV | 26 | 35 | 43 |
1720 | 2006 | 03_COM | SATURN | ION | 2.2L 4, auto | PZEV | 24 | 32 | 42 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
836 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS 2WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 28 | 47 |
837 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS 4WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 26 | 45 |
838 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES 2WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 30 | 49 |
839 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES 4WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 28 | 47 |
840 | 2023 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
841 | 2023 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
842 | 2023 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 58 |
843 | 2023 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 35 | 41 | 58 |
844 | 2023 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 57 |
845 | 2023 | 12_UTS | MITSUBISHI | Outlander 2WD | 2.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 25 | 31 | 48 |
846 | 2023 | 13_UTM | MITSUBISHI | Outlander 4WD | 2.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 24 | 31 | 48 |
847 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24 | 30 | 48 |
848 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24 | 29 | 47 |
849 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23 | 29 | 47 |
850 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23 | 28 | 46 |
851 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS 2WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 28 | 47 |
852 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS 4WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 26 | 46 |
853 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES 2WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 30 | 49 |
854 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES 4WD | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 28 | 47 |
855 | 2022 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
856 | 2022 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
857 | 2022 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 58 |
858 | 2022 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 35 | 41 | 58 |
859 | 2022 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 57 |
860 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander 2WD | 2.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 24 | 31 | 48 |
861 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander 4WD | 2.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 24 | 31 | 48 |
862 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander PHEV | Electric (Li-Ion) / 2.4L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 2.28 / 26 | 2.14 / 26 | 44 |
863 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24 | 30 | 48 |
864 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24 | 29 | 47 |
865 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23 | 29 | 47 |
866 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23 | 29 | 47 |
867 | 2021 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | Mirage | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36.0 | 43.0 | 59 |
868 | 2021 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | Mirage | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36.0 | 43.0 | 59 |
869 | 2021 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | Mirage | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33.0 | 41.0 | 58 |
870 | 2021 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | Mirage G4 | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 35.0 | 41.0 | 58 |
871 | 2021 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | Mirage G4 | 1.2L 3, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33.0 | 41.0 | 57 |
872 | 2021 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24.0 | 30.0 | 48 |
873 | 2021 | 12_UTS | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 2WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 24.0 | 29.0 | 47 |
874 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23.0 | 29.0 | 47 |
875 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | Outlander Sport 4WD | 2.4L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23.0 | 29.0 | 46 |
876 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 28 | 48 |
877 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 26 | 46 |
878 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES | 1.5L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 26 | 30 | 49 |
879 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | ECLIPSE CROSS ES | 1.5L 4, auto CVT 4wd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 28 | 47 |
880 | 2020 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
881 | 2020 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | Tier 3 Bin 70 | 36 | 43 | 59 |
882 | 2020 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE | 1.2L 3, manual | Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 58 |
883 | 2020 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, auto CVT | Tier 3 Bin 70 | 35 | 41 | 58 |
884 | 2020 | 03_COM | Mitsubishi | MIRAGE G4 | 1.2L 3, manual | Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 41 | 57 |
885 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Mitsubishi | OUTLANDER | 2.4L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 31 | 49 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
1268 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Defender 110 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 23 | 41 |
1269 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Defender 90 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 23 | 41 |
1270 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Discovery | 2.0L 4, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 24 | 40 |
1271 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Discovery MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 25 | 43 |
1272 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 23 | 40 |
1273 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover P360 LWB MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 26 | 42 |
1274 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover P360 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 26 | 42 |
1275 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover P400 LWB MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 26 | 42 |
1276 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 26 | 42 |
1277 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover Sport P360 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 26 | 43 |
1278 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | New Range Rover Sport P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 26 | 42 |
1279 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 27 | 43 |
1280 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque MHEV | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 26 | 45 |
1281 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 26 | 43 |
1282 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar P340 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 26 | 44 |
1283 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 25 | 42 |
1284 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Discovery MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 24 | 42 |
1285 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 23 | 40 |
1286 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 27 | 43 |
1287 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque MHEV | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 26 | 45 |
1288 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover P360 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 23 | 40 |
1289 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 23 | 40 |
1290 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover Sport P360 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 24 | 42 |
1291 | 2022 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover Sport P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 24 | 42 |
1292 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 26 | 43 |
1293 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar P340 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 26 | 44 |
1294 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar P400 MHEV | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 25 | 42 |
1295 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20.0 | 27.0 | 43 |
1296 | 2021 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover PHEV | Electric (Li-Ion) / 2.0L 4, auto stk 4wd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 1.24 / 18 | 1.27 / 21 | 42 |
1297 | 2021 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover Sport PHEV | Electric (Li-Ion) / 2.0L 4, auto stk 4wd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 1.24 / 18 | 1.27 / 21 | 42 |
1298 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 24 | 41 |
1299 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 24 | 41 |
1300 | 2020 | 12_UTS | Land Rover | Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 26 | 43 |
1301 | 2020 | 12_UTS | Land Rover | Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 27 | 43 |
1302 | 2020 | 14_UTL | Land Rover | Range Rover | 3.0L 6, auto stk 4wd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
1303 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 27 | 44 |
1304 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar P300 | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1305 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 25 | 42 |
1306 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport Si4 | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 25 | 41 |
1307 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 29 | 44 |
1308 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 43 |
1309 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque Cabriolet | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 44 |
1310 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 26 | 30 | 44 |
1311 | 2019 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 27 | 43 |
1312 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 25 | 41 |
1313 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Discovery Sport | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 20 | 25 | 41 |
1314 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 29 | 44 |
1315 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 43 |
1316 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Evoque Cabriolet | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 44 |
1317 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Land Rover | Range Rover Velar | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [D] | LEV-III LEV160 / Tier 3 Bin 160 | 26 | 30 | 44 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
1268 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 42 | 57 |
1269 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 30 | 40 | 55 |
1270 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 28 | 36 | 52 |
1271 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra Hybrid | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 49 | 52 | 62 |
1272 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra Hybrid Blue | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 53 | 56 | 65 |
1273 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra N | 2.0L 4, manual [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 22 | 31 | 46 |
1274 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra N | 2.0L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 20 | 30 | 44 |
1275 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Ioniq 5 SE Standard Range | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 3.82 | 2.83 | 60 |
1276 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Ioniq 5 SE/SEL | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 3.35 | 2.67 | 54 |
1277 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Ioniq 5 SE/SEL | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 3.35 | 2.67 | 53 |
1278 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Ioniq 5 SE/SEL RWD | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 3.98 | 2.93 | 55 |
1279 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Kona AWD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 28 | 33 | 51 |
1280 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Kona AWD | 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 27 | 32 | 50 |
1281 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Kona Electric | Electric (Li-Ion) | Tier 3 Bin 0 / ZEV | 4.06 | 3.23 | 62 |
1282 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Kona FWD | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 30 | 35 | 54 |
1283 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Kona FWD | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 29 | 35 | 52 |
1284 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Kona N | 2.0L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 20 | 27 | 43 |
1285 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Palisade AWD | 3.8L 6, auto stk Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
1286 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Palisade FWD | 3.8L 6, auto stk | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 27 | 42 |
1287 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Cruz AWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 21 | 25 | 43 |
1288 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Cruz AWD | 2.5L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 27 | 42 |
1289 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Santa Cruz FWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 22 | 26 | 43 |
1290 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Fe AWD | 2.5L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 21 | 28 | 44 |
1291 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Fe AWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 25 | 44 |
1292 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Santa Fe FWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 25 | 28 | 47 |
1293 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Santa Fe FWD | 2.5L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 22 | 28 | 45 |
1294 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Fe Hybrid | 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 33 | 30 | 48 |
1295 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Fe Hybrid Blue | 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 36 | 31 | 50 |
1296 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Santa Fe Plug-in Hybrid | Electric (Li-Ion) / 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 2.36 / 33 | 2.14 / 32 | 59 |
1297 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata | 2.5L 4, auto stk | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 28 | 38 | 53 |
1298 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata | 2.5L 4, auto stk | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 27 | 37 | 52 |
1299 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata | 1.6L 4, auto stk | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 27 | 37 | 52 |
1300 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata | 2.5L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 23 | 33 | 47 |
1301 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata Hybrid | 2.0L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 45 | 51 | 61 |
1302 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Hyundai | Sonata Hybrid Blue | 2.0L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 50 | 54 | 63 |
1303 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Tucson AWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 | 23 | 28 | 46 |
1304 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Tucson AWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 | 23 | 28 | 46 |
1305 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Hyundai | Tucson FWD | 2.5L 4, auto stk | LEV-III ULEV70 | 25 | 32 | 49 |
1306 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Tucson Hybrid | 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 37 | 36 | 52 |
1307 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Tucson Hybrid Blue | 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 38 | 38 | 53 |
1308 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Hyundai | Tucson Plug-in Hybrid | Electric (Li-Ion) / 1.6L 4, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 2.59 / 35 | 2.19 / 35 | 60 |
1309 | 2023 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Venue | 1.6L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 29 | 33 | 52 |
1310 | 2022 | 03_COM | Hyundai | Accent | 1.6L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 33 | 41 | 56 |
1311 | 2022 | 03_COM | Hyundai | Accent | 1.6L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 33 | 41 | 56 |
1312 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 33 | 43 | 57 |
1313 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 2.0L 4, auto CVT | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 31 | 41 | 55 |
1314 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 28 | 36 | 52 |
1315 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra | 1.6L 4, manual | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 25 | 34 | 50 |
1316 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra Hybrid | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 49 | 52 | 63 |
1317 | 2022 | 05_MID | Hyundai | Elantra Hybrid Blue | 1.6L 4, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 53 | 56 | 65 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
2401 | 2023 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 30 | 44 |
2402 | 2023 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger AWD | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 18 | 27 | 41 |
2403 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 30 | 44 |
2404 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger AWD | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 18 | 27 | 41 |
2405 | 2023 | 14_UTL | Dodge | Durango AWD | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
2406 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Dodge | Durango RWD | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 26 | 41 |
2407 | 2021 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19.0 | 30.0 | 43 |
2408 | 2021 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 18.0 | 27.0 | 41 |
2409 | 2021 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19.0 | 30.0 | 43 |
2410 | 2021 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 18.0 | 27.0 | 41 |
2411 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19.0 | 26.0 | 41 |
2412 | 2020 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19 | 30 | 43 |
2413 | 2020 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | Tier 3 Bin 125 | 18 | 27 | 41 |
2414 | 2020 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19 | 30 | 43 |
2415 | 2020 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | Tier 3 Bin 125 | 18 | 27 | 41 |
2416 | 2020 | 14_UTL | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 19 | 26 | 41 |
2417 | 2020 | 14_UTL | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 18 | 25 | 40 |
2418 | 2019 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2419 | 2019 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2420 | 2019 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2421 | 2019 | 12_UTS | Dodge | Journey | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
2422 | 2018 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2423 | 2018 | 05_MID | Dodge | Challenger GT | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 18 | 27 | 40 |
2424 | 2018 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2425 | 2018 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 42 |
2426 | 2018 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 18 | 27 | 40 |
2427 | 2018 | 07_LRG | Dodge | Charger | 3.6L 6, auto Awd | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 18 | 27 | 40 |
2428 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 26 | 40 |
2429 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 26 | 40 |
2430 | 2018 | 13_UTM | Dodge | Durango | 3.6L 6, auto | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 26 | 40 |
2431 | 2018 | 12_UTS | Dodge | Journey | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
2432 | 2017 | 05_MID | DODGE | CHALLENGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 41 |
2433 | 2017 | 07_LRG | DODGE | CHARGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 | 19 | 30 | 41 |
2434 | 2017 | 07_LRG | DODGE | CHARGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 3 Transitional Bin 110 / LEV-II ULEV | 19 | 30 | 41 |
2435 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | CHALLENGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 19 | 30 | 40 |
2436 | 2016 | 07_LRG | DODGE | CHARGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 19 | 31 | 40 |
2437 | 2016 | 07_LRG | DODGE | CHARGER | 3.6L 6, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 19 | 31 | 40 |
2438 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 1.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV III ULEV125 / Tier 2 Bin 5 | 27 | 37 | 48 |
2439 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.0L 4, manual | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 25 | 36 | 47 |
2440 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 23 | 35 | 45 |
2441 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.0L 4, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 24 | 34 | 45 |
2442 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.4L 4, manual | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 22 | 35 | 45 |
2443 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART AERO | 1.4L 4, manual [P] | LEV III ULEV125 / Tier 2 Bin 5 | 28 | 41 | 49 |
2444 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART AERO | 1.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV III ULEV125 / Tier 2 Bin 5 | 28 | 40 | 49 |
2445 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART GT | 2.4L 4, manual | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 23 | 33 | 45 |
2446 | 2016 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART GT | 2.4L 4, auto | Tier 2 Bin 4 | 22 | 31 | 44 |
2447 | 2015 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 1.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV III ULEV125 / Bin 5 | 27 | 37 | 45 |
2448 | 2015 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.0L 4, manual | Bin 4 | 25 | 36 | 45 |
2449 | 2015 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.4L 4, auto | Bin 4 | 23 | 35 | 44 |
2450 | 2015 | 05_MID | DODGE | DART | 2.0L 4, auto | Bin 4 | 24 | 34 | 43 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
wdt_ID | Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
1196 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Acura | INTEGRA | 1.5L 4, auto CVT [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 30 | 37 | 54 |
1197 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Acura | INTEGRA A-SPEC | 1.5L 4, auto CVT [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 29 | 36 | 53 |
1198 | 2023 | 07_LRG | Acura | INTEGRA A-SPEC | 1.5L 4, manual [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 27 | 36 | 52 |
1199 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX AWD | 3.5L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 26 | 41 |
1200 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Acura | MDX FWD | 3.5L 6, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1201 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 27 | 44 |
1202 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 26 | 43 |
1203 | 2023 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 26 | 43 |
1204 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 28 | 45 |
1205 | 2023 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 27 | 44 |
1206 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 45 |
1207 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 45 |
1208 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 31 | 46 |
1209 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 30 | 46 |
1210 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX Type-S | 3.0L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1211 | 2023 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX Type-S Perf Tire | 3.0L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 25 | 41 |
1212 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | ILX | 2.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 24 | 34 | 49 |
1213 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX AWD | 3.5L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 26 | 41 |
1214 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Acura | MDX FWD | 3.5L 6, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1215 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 27 | 44 |
1216 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 26 | 43 |
1217 | 2022 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 26 | 43 |
1218 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 28 | 45 |
1219 | 2022 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 27 | 44 |
1220 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 45 |
1221 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21 | 29 | 45 |
1222 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 31 | 47 |
1223 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22 | 30 | 46 |
1224 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX Type-S | 3.0L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 20 | 26 | 42 |
1225 | 2022 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX Type-S Perf Tire | 3.0L 6, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV70 / Tier 3 Bin 70 | 19 | 25 | 41 |
1226 | 2021 | 03_COM | Acura | ILX | 2.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 24.0 | 34.0 | 49 |
1227 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21.0 | 27.0 | 44 |
1228 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21.0 | 26.0 | 43 |
1229 | 2021 | 13_UTM | Acura | RDX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21.0 | 26.0 | 43 |
1230 | 2021 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22.0 | 28.0 | 45 |
1231 | 2021 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22.0 | 27.0 | 44 |
1232 | 2021 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21.0 | 29.0 | 45 |
1233 | 2021 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX AWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk Awd [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 21.0 | 29.0 | 45 |
1234 | 2021 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22.0 | 31.0 | 46 |
1235 | 2021 | 03_COM | Acura | TLX FWD A-SPEC | 2.0L 4, auto stk [P] | LEV-III SULEV30 / Tier 3 Bin 30 | 22.0 | 30.0 | 46 |
1236 | 2020 | 03_COM | Acura | ILX | 2.4L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 24 | 34 | 49 |
1237 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX | 3.0L 6, auto Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 27 | 27 | 46 |
1238 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX | 3.5L 6, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 21 | 29 | 44 |
1239 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX | 3.5L 6, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 20 | 29 | 44 |
1240 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX | 3.5L 6, auto Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19 | 27 | 42 |
1241 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX A-SPEC | 3.5L 6, auto Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
1242 | 2020 | 13_UTM | Acura | MDX A-spec | 3.5L 6, auto Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV125 / Tier 3 Bin 125 | 19 | 25 | 40 |
1243 | 2020 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX | 2.0L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 28 | 45 |
1244 | 2020 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX | 2.0L 4, auto [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 22 | 28 | 45 |
1245 | 2020 | 12_UTS | Acura | RDX | 2.0L 4, auto Awd [P] | LEV-III ULEV50 / Tier 3 Bin 50 | 21 | 27 | 45 |
Year | GB Class | Make | Model | M/M/Specs | EmisSTD | City | HiWY | Greenscore |
Brookfield Place is pleased to offer complimentary LIVE stream fitness sessions led by Marilyn Robinson. They are geared towards all levels and all you need is a yoga mat! Just find a comfortable place in your home and use your smartphone or computer to stream these. Please note that a passcode will be required when joining the class.
Each live event will be broadcast online using You can access Zoom via your desktop or download the ZOOM App for ease on your phone.
A video camera or a microphone are not required, as this is a one-way broadcast. However, you are welcomed to ask any questions via the text-based chat tool at the END of the session.
*Reminder* Please disable audio and video prior to the start of each session. This is to ensure everyone participating can hear the instructor.
You are encouraged to click the link below AHEAD OF TIME to check your connection and sound are working. Zoom has recently updated their security measures, as such we encourage you to ensure you have updated to latest version of Zoom App.
We take your privacy seriously. Some additional measures have been put in place to protect participants, including one way presentations from our instructors with audience members on video/audio mute and restricted screen sharing abilities.
Please note that a passcode will be required when joining the class.
Visit our tenant app axiis and refer to each wellness session app cards for details.
Monthly parking
Parking access can be added to a building access card, or an electronic transponder is available for customers who are interested in arranging for regular monthly parking. The palm-size transponder mounts directly onto the lower left-hand corner of your vehicle’s windshield and allows for convenient, hands-free access in and out of the parking garage.
Monthly parking payment
Payment options include credit card, monthly billing, and preauthorized payment and may be arranged by completing the Preauthorized Payment form available on the website.
Shareable monthly parking permits
Brookfield Place is pleased to offer our occupants a shareable Monthly Parking Permit to assist with your return to work planning. This flexible monthly permit can be utilized by two individuals however, utilization must be on alternate dates.
This is perfect for staff rotating in and out of the site on alternate schedules (users cannot park in the parking garage at the same time without incurring additional costs). This is a limited-time offer.
Details on registering for all monthly parking options can be obtained by contacting the Parking Office at 416-777-6468 or by visiting our website at
Visitors may take a ticket upon entry. As the parking equipment is fully automated, tickets should be paid at a pay station prior to returning to your car.
Pay stations are located at:
Cash and credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express) are acceptable forms of payment at all pay stations.
Validation Coupons can be used at any pay station or exit gate, in conjunction with the entry ticket and the appropriate form of payment. Parking validation coupons can be arranged for quantities of time or amounts of money. Redeemed validation coupons are invoiced to Tenants monthly.
Closed circuit cameras
A sophisticated network of closed circuit camera monitors activity in the parking garage at all times. Garage entrances and parking elevator lobbies are monitored by closed circuit television by Building Security.
Emergency assist station
The garage is equipped with a panic alarm system that is electronically monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by Building Security. The interactive equipment enables Security to instantly pinpoint the zone from which an alarm has originated so that Security Officers can immediately be dispatched to assist the caller. Emergency assist stations are identifiable by their bright yellow colour. They are located on all levels of the garage. When the button is pressed it links to Security who will respond to emergency situations. The area is monitored by closed circuit cameras.
Security escorts
Offered to any person parked in the garage, any time of day or night. Visit the Security Desk on the Ground Floor of 2 Bloor Street East or call them at 416-928-9058 to arrange an escort.